Below is a list of Gujarati NewsPapers and News Sites 2020
Gujarat Samachar
Gujarati ePaper – All Gujarati Newspaper & ePapers App For Android
Read all the latest Gujarati Newspapers and Gujarati ePapers in a single app. you don’t need to bookmark the websites of your daily newspapers and ePapers. This app helps you to browse and read all the Gujarati You Can download this app From Play Store.
Divya Bhaskar Gujarati Android App
This App Available in Play Store. You can Download it easily from Play Store.
Feature List of Divya Bhaskar Gujarati App
City News: Divya Bhaskar brings to you news from over 300+ towns & cities to your phone. You will never miss out on what is happening around you or in your hometown. You will get updates on all the local current events like politics, weather, traffic, crimes, accidents, etc.